I'll try to be as objective as I can for this review, because Eternal Hated's 'Secrets' is the brand new release of World's Appreciated Kitsch so as you can guess we loved this record even before it was officially released... Nevertheless, I've already written somewhere that 'Secrets' is probably the most complete metalcore album that ever came out from Greece. In spite of the young age of the band's members, Eternal Hated have managed to release a very mature and professional record that could easily break the narrow local borders and push Eternal Hated forward to new fields and horizons. The band has the potential to become huge and they will definitely achieve this with hard work and a 'down to earth' attitude. 'Secrets' includes 10 songs of modern metalcore in the vein of As I Lay Dying, Killswitch Engage and All Shall Perish, with some Evergreen Terrace and Converge stitches, but with a more complicated and unique approach. And this is the strong point here. Eternal Hated do not imitate or copy - paste the original bands but manage to create a personal sound. The vocals vary from growls and screams to melodic clean ones, the rhythm section is heavy and tight, while the guitar riffs are technical yet catchy. 'Secrets' has a great clean production, too, that helps the band unfold their creativity and shape it in the best way. The CD is professionally packaged with a very nice layout, including lyrics and info. The more I listen to this record, the more I love it!
P.S.1 The hidden song with clean vocals and acoustic guitar is just awesome... P.S.2 Watch out for the ltd edition pizza boxes including a CD, a brand new T-shirt and 2 buttons in a discount price!
I'm such a fucking jerk for not having reviewed this cornerstone for the worldwide hardcore scene yet. It's been more than a year since the post-officer brought me the CD version of this and almost 8 months since I got the cute vinyl edition including the book in my hands. First things first... Birds Of A Feather is a kinda all star straight edge hardcore band based in Holland. They consist of ex-members of Mainstrike, Crivits, Manliftingbanner, Betray, Strike First, No Denial, BTD, In Defence and the editor of the legendary Value Of Strength fanzine. As you can figure out all the members are old enough (Marc for example is 43 years old). Their first release was a 7" that accompanied Voice Of A Generation fanzine issue 1 (run by Peter - Crucial Response Records and Arne - ex Sportswear, Onward and Contention) back in 2005, if I'm right. Since then they have released a bunch of 7"s, tapes and CDs via well known hardcore labels like Commitment Records. 'The past, the present' is their debut full length album that includes 13 songs of 80s style youth crew / old school hardcore fueled with sing-alongs and positive messages. There's a strong pro-Krishna touch in their lyrics, as well. All the songs are full of energy and passion and it's clear that Birds Of A Feather members are still dedicated to the straight edge hardcore after all these years. The artwork in both formats is super cool; the CD version includes a 16 pages booklet with decent photos and lyrics, while the vinyl version has a gatefold cover (I'm lucky enough to have a copy of the 1st press, that means a colored vinyl, ha!) with all the info & lyrics. Backing vocals are provided by members of Reaching Forward, Eye Of Judgement, Guidingline, A Step Apart, Robert Commitment Records and more... All in all, this is a straightedge hardcore record that all the (straight edge or not) hardcore kids should have in their collection. Period.
'The past, the present 1982-2007 | A History of 25 years of European straight edge' is the book that accompanies the vinyl edition. As far as I know it's the first book that deals strictly with the European straight edge scene... Marc & JP from Birds Of A Feather took care of this inestimable publication, trying to cover the whole European straight edge scene since 1982, focusing on their country, Holland. The 12" format book includes 108 pages and more than 250 photos. Tens of people and bands are interviewed in the publication, making it one of the best European hardcore publications that have ever been released. I've nothing more to add. Do a favor to yourself and get both the book and the record.
Goldust managed to release one of my favorite albums ever. So, you can assume that I won't be objective in this goddamn review. From the burst out in the middle of the first song to the last chord of the last song, intensity fills the air turning my quiet afternoon in a hell-ish scenery not unlike Dante's world. The 12 songs that are included in 'Destroyer | Borderlines' are 12 punches in the stomach. This is not positive at all. This is not for any of you fancy hardcore kids out there that think that hardcore is your teddy bear. Goldust rule the European scene since 2005. They come from Germany but they could easily come from Belgium back in 1995, representing the H8000 scene. They are furious as hell, but the best word that can describe their music is the one I mentioned above... It's 100% intense. They mix metal & hardcore music, throw in solos every now & then, even use some post-hardcore and death metal parts, creating a very emotional record. This is true quality hardcore, neither imitating non-sense nor pretending to be something. This is 2010 heavy hardcore. Period. The cover & whole layout kicks ass.
P.S.1 The record will be officially released next week. P.S.2 Does anyone of you remember that Goldust interview in The Edge fanzine issue 0 back in the days...?
Brand new Keep It Real issue at last!!! After almost 2 years since the release of issue 8, issue 9 hit the streets on 19th March 2010.
A huge 48-pages publication dedicated to the hardcore / punk music & attitude. Featuring interviews with: Greg Bennick (Trial), Birds Of A Feather, Lewd Acts, Confronto, Vitamin X, To Kill, Pulling Teeth, Poison The Well and Despite Everything. Plus: 6 pages photo report of Fluff fest '09, a thought provoking article concerning Krishna Hardcore Consciousness and tons of reviews. Cover art by Peio. Layout by Ultra Grim Disign.
Tardive Dyskinesia is one of the best metal / death metal / progressive hardcore bands coming from Greece the last years. And they are definitely the most unique one (they may share the crown with another local act, Sun Of Nothing). They exist since 1997 (they were formerly known as Override) and they are based in a small yet cool place outside Athens, by the sea, called Nea Makri. I still remember getting Override in a compilation I released back in 2002 with that groovie song 'Where's your god' (if I am right...), but the band has evolved a lot (after several line up changes) since then. Their 2nd full length was released by the Italian label Coroner Records and it's an amazing piece of art & music. It includes 9 songs of uncomprimising, no genre music, with influences varying from progressive death metal to Shai Hulud style metalcore and Gojira / Meshugga technicity. The production by Jochem Jacobs (Textures' guitarist) is heavy and clean, while the artwork kicks ass hard. I am listening to this record for the 3rd time this afternoon, waiting impatiently for their show along with Shai Hulud, Eternal Hated and Disco Queen, tomorrow night, it's gonna be a blast. Tardive Dyskinesia tour with Pro-Pain for 23 shows in mainland Europe next month. I am very happy when local bands that work hard get what they deserve. They made it.
Τα λόγια είναι περιττά όταν πρόκειται για τους ShaiHulud. Οι Αμερικάνοι metal / hardcorelegendsεπισκέπτονται για 2η φορά την χώρα μας ύστερα από την συντριπτική εμφάνισή τους στο ANClubτον Σεπτέμβρη του 2006.
Με νέο δίσκο στις αποσκευές τους, έχοντας ήδη σαρώσει Αμερική και Ευρώπη περιοδεύοντας, κάνουν τελευταία στάση του tourστην Αθήνα, στο ίδιο clubόπως και τότε.
Παρέα με 3 από τα καλύτερα localacts, υπόσχονται να ξαναβάλουν την άχαρη Δευτέρα backonthemapστα συναυλιακά δρώμενα!
Μην το χάσεις αυτό.
Από το 1995, έχοντας ως βάση αρχικά την Florida και μετέπειτα την Νέα Υόρκη, οι ShaiHuludθεωρούνται δικαίως μια από τις μεγαλύτερες metalcoreμπάντες παγκοσμίως. Μάλιστα, είναι από τις πρώτες μπάντες για τις οποίες επινοήθηκε η ταμπέλα του metalcoreστα 90s.
Με 3 τελείως groundbreakingfulllengthsστο ενεργητικό τους, splits με Indecision, BoySetsFireκαι NewFoundGloryκαι δεκάδες ακόμα κυκλοφορίες (είτε singlesκαι συμμετοχές σε συλλογές, είτε tributes, demosκαι 7”s), αναμιγνύοντας το παραδοσιακό hardcore / punkμε progressivemetalστοιχεία, έχουν κατορθώσει να δημιουργήσουν ένα τόσο προσωπικό στυλ που μπάντες σαν τους PoisonTheWell, Silverstein, TheBanner, Unearth, MiserySignalsκαι AsILayDyingδεν κρύβουν ότι τους έχει επηρεάσει.
Από το 2006 οι ShaiHuludέχουν υπογράψει στην MetalBladeRecords, μια από τις μεγαλύτερες metalεταιρίες παγκοσμίως.
Για τις περιοδείες και τα festsπου έχουν παίξει θα ήταν άσκοπο να γράψουμε μιας και όπως καταλαβαίνετε η απλή αναφορά και μόνο θα γέμιζε άλλα 2 δελτία τύπου. Πάντως πρόσφατα ολοκλήρωσαν την Αμερικάνικη περιοδεία τους με τους LivingSacrificeκαι ξεκίνησαν το Ευρωπαϊκό tourμε ToKillκαι Endwell. Τον Απρίλιο ακολουθούν περιοδείες σε Ιαπωνία και Αυστραλία.
Τέλος, για όσους ενδιαφέρονται, οι ShaiHuludήταν πάντα φιλικά προσκείμενοι σε christian / straightedgeιδεολογίες, χωρίς βέβαια να βάζουν κάποια ταμπέλα στον εαυτό τους.
Όταν μέλος μιας από τις πιο τεχνικές deathmetalμπάντες ever, όπως είναι οι Atheistδηλώνει ότι ‘οι TardiveDyskinesiaείναι μια από τις αγαπημένες μου μπάντες τα τελευταία 4 χρόνια’, δεν μένουν και πολλά άλλα να αναφερθούν…
Από το 1996 που ξεκίνησαν ως Overrideκανείς δεν περίμενε ότι περίπου 15 χρόνια μετά θα εξελίσσονταν σε αυτή την mathcore / progressivedeathmetalμηχανή. Με νέο δίσκο το ‘TheSeaOfSeeThroughSkins’ (στην Ιταλική CoronerRecords) και εμπειρία από δεκάδες shows, η εμφάνισή τους στο συγκεκριμένο liveήταν αναμενόμενη.
Η συγκεκριμένη συναυλία θα είναι releaseshowγια τον ολοκαίνουριο δίσκο τους με τίτλο ‘Secrets’ (από την World’sAppreciatedKitsch).
Info: www.myspace.com/eternalhated
Οι DiscoQueen, παρ’ ότι οι rookiesτης βραδιάς, είναι η αποκάλυψη στην σύγχρονη αθηναϊκή metal / hardcoreσκηνή, παραδίδοντας βαρύ, τεχνικό και σκοτεινό μεταλλικό hardcoreπου πολλές μπάντες θα ζήλευαν, έχοντας επιρροές που ξεκινούν από Converge και φτάνουν μέχρι τους Baroness. Πολλοί ανυπομονούν να τους δούνε ζωντανά σε μια από τις λίγες εμφανίσεις τους τελευταία.
Info: www.myspace.com/discoqueenband
World’s Appreciated Kitsch:
e-mail: hxf_prodaxionz@yahoo.com
blog: www.wakhc.blogspot.com
last fm: www.lastfm.com/user/wak2010
twitter: www.twitter.com/wak2010
Οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 20.30 και το showαρχίζει στις 21.00.
Δεν θα υπάρξει προπώληση εισιτηρίων αλλά αν κάποιος ενδιαφέρεται να κάνει κράτηση μπορεί να απευθυνθεί στους παραπάνω διαδικτυακούς τόπους.
'Blindfolded and doomed' CD / LP
Cobra X Records
I quote from SOP's website: 'Seed of Pain consists of four young individuals from around the area of Lucerne, Switzerland. We think of ourselves not as of a hardcore band but of a group of angry young men who deal with their demons and fears the way we think we could do best. We have never set ourselves any limitations, be it music-, lyric- nor otherwise. No compromise or trend-following to any scene. Yes, this sounds cliché and outdated, but in times like these we feel it is necessary to say so. Music should be a way to express yourself, no matter what. But with limitations, restrictions and rules you won't create any honesty.' I've no words to describe my feelings about 'Blindfolded and doomed'. Seriously, this release is a masterpiece. Seed Of Pain come from Lucerne, Switzerland and this is their first full length, following a series of 7"s, 12" and demos. Their music consists of hardcore tunes mixed with progressive and technical riffs fueled with some doom moments, post-hardcore and new wave influences, desperate vocals and poetry; served in a melancholic atmosphere. From the intro (featuring a poem of Gottfried Benn; German expressionist poet, follower of the nazi movement firstly, then turned out to criticize it and get banned by both nazis & the allies. To be honest, I don't see the point why using a poet of such an ambiguous person...) to the remixes (included only in the CD version) of the song 'Doomed', the listener dives deep into the sea of melancholy and travels through the cloudy skies of unreasonableness, without leaving any trace behind. I wrote it above, too... This record is a masterpiece. I just discovered my new favorite band / style of music for the lonely haunted nights. One of the best, if not the best, open-minded hardcore releases of last year. Word.
Be there or be square. Ska-punk, skate punk rock, melodic hardcore tunes. Positive vibes.
'Football, drinks & rock 'n' roll' CD
Anfibio Records
The long awaited new full length of Bootstroke is finally out...or to be honest it's out since last year but considering the lazy wa(n)ker I am, I write this review being late as ever. So, better late than never, once more... To start with, Bootstroke is the best greek skinhead oi! / street punk rock band, that celebrates its first decade of existence these days. They are active in the local scene and have already played a lot of festivals, one-off shows almost everywhere in Europe, along with bands like Cockney Rejects, Sham 69, Deadline, Toxpack, Discipline, Evil Conduct and more... Their new album was released by the well-known Italian label Anfibio Records and features 10 songs that kids in Greece already know, and sing along to, since a couple of years or more. The style is street punk with a lot of rock 'n' roll stitches and of course oi! influences. I dare to say that the new Bootstroke CD is not just close to the traditional oi! sound, imitating the classic bands, but more open-minded and unique. And you know, that oi! is not my cup of tea. I really like the lyrics of some of the songs that do not follow the usual cliches of the genre, it seems that Bootstroke are more mature than ever. The cover is a classic, as you can see, while the production is awesome. Bootstroke are playing this Saturday with The Oppressed in a very promising show.
Cobra X Records is one of the most sincere & best quality hardcore record labels coming out of Germany nowadays. When I got Dave's sweet package, the first thing that grabbed my attention was Teamkiller's long awaited new MCD, their latest record before joining Let It Burn Records, released on 30th December of 2009. I've been following Teamkiller since their split 7" with Bleed Into One and I can assure you that they are one of the best upcoming European hardcore acts. Their self-titled MCD (released also in 10" format) includes 5 songs of mid tempo hardcore with heavy guitar riffs / solos and clean vocals. They remind me of early NYHC stuff and bands like Cro-Mags and Leeway, but with a modern touch that brings in mind Justice or The Ice. Song no.3 called 'Spiritual Relief' even reminds me of Metallica, yeap. All in all, Teamkiller managed to release a quality record (and we miss quality in today's hardcore scene...) that all the hardcore kids must check out. The production is super, of course, while the cover is simple yet alright. I don't wanna comment on the band's poser photo included in the booklet, though. I'm patiently waiting for the new full length...
The Rocket is a brand new band from Belgium featuring ex-members of local acts like Skyrocket John and Gino's Eyeball, and sharing the vocalist with another cool band called Second Base (they just joined Funtime, as well). To be honest, the poppy / college punk rock style that The Rocket are into is totally not my cup of tea. I mean, I can easily listen to this CD a sunny afternoon while drinking my coffee or driving in the highway, but that's it, nothing more. Moreover, the lyrics are -sorry to say- dumb enough and all of you that are reading this blog since its inception know that I hate dumb lyrics. Yeah, I know, that bands are not supposed to sing only for catastrophes, wars and the financial crisis, but dude who fucking cares if you still love your ex-girlfriend or if you have oral sex with somebody other's current girl?! Nevertheless, if you are into Blink 182, Fall Out Boy or Motion City Soundtrack, you'll propably like this. The production is rad and the whole packaging is alright, except of the band photo featuring them in uniform appearance, imitating Me, First & The Gimme Gimmes, I guess... There's a cover of The Venga Boys, a famous eurodance pop band from The Netherlands, too. Whatever...
Η Cannonball καιη World's Appreciated Kitsch παρουσιάζουντοετήσιο Knock Out Fest για 9ηχρονιά! Φέτος έχει τίτλο 'Athens Invasion' και είναι αφιερωμένο σε μπάντες που προέρχονται από πόλεις εκτός της Αθήνας. Έτσι, οι V.I.C. από την πόλη των Ιωαννίνων, οι Dreambox (ex-2nd Hand) από την Θεσσαλονίκη, οι Ποιότητα από την Λάρισα, οι Last Rizla από την Σύρο, οι Faithreat από τον Βόλο και οι Moshpill από την Αλεξανδρούπολη θα κάνουν άτυπη επιδρομή στην Αθήνα, στο AN Club, το Σάββατο 20 Μαρτίου, έχοντας για όπλα ακόρντα και ρυθμούς που άλλοτε γέρνουν προς το punk rock / hardcore και άλλοτε στο post / experimental.
To live θα ξεκινήσει νωρίς, οι πόρτες ανοίγουν στις 20.00 και όπως πάντα θα υπάρχουν δωρεάν CDs της Cannonball Records, ενώ για δεύτερη συνεχόμενη χρονιά το Knock Out θα μεταδίδεται live από το internet μέσω του www.athensnoise.gr.
This is an international 3 way hardcore split featuring Escape from Puchong, Malaysia, Turned Page from Nevers, France and Burn My Bridges from Seoul, South Korea. All bands play old school hardcore varying from modern style to 80s Boston stuff. Escape (www.myspace.com/escapehc) are active since 2007 and their 4 songs are more into Champion versus Bane style. They have also released a demo back in 2008 called 'See It Through'. Turned Page (www.myspace.com/turnedpagehc) play since 2007, too, and these songs are the only songs they've ever released. They're deeply influenced by bands like Go It Alone, Final Fight and Comeback Kid. Last but not least, Burn My Bridges (www.myspace.com/xburnmybridgesx) is in Townhall Records' roster (along with bands like The Geeks, Things We Say and Flame Still Burns) and they recently released a new EP called 'Die Hard'. 'Bridge the gap' is a very cool DIY split representing positive hardcore from Europe and Asia. Grab it wherever you find it! I'm now going to email David - Kawaii about Thrashington DC's new LP, awesome!
It's always a special time when I get a new package from Pete - Pee Records. My Aussie buddy makes sure that the content will be of high quality. So, here we have Remain Opposed's new full length album, which follows 2007's 'In the shadows we dance' EP (out from Pee Records, as well). 'Time waits for no one' includes 13 songs of melodic punk rock music with a hardcore edge, reminiscent of bands like Ignite, Good Riddance and Strung Out. A strong So-Cal influence is obvious, as you can figure out. But the band that comes the most to my mind when I listen to this CD is Pour Habit (new in Fat Wreck). Especially the vocals sound too similar I cannot distinguish the difference between the two bands, ha! You know, it's that high pitched yet rough voice, like a combination between Ignite's Zoli and The Offsprings' Derek. All in all, it's a very cool CD with professional production and a kickass layout featuring Melbourne streetscape, the band's hometown. It won't change your life, but will make you happy for some moments, for sure!