Against All My Fears
Varsity | Seven Eight Life | Caustic
This was released back in late 2008 in vinyl format by the US label Amendment Records.
I got the CD edition a couple of months ago by this nice guy, called Leonardo, who runs xCausticx Records, based in Brasil.
So, 'XXVII' was released by xCaustix Records (also home for Paura, Day Of The Dead etc.) in collaboration with Varsity Records (home for Cinder, Reconcile and Nouvelle Gaia among others) from Argentina and Brazil's finest hardcore label Seven Eight Life (roster incl. Confronto, New Winds, Birds Of A Feather, Questions etc.).
Against All My Fears come from Santiago, Chile, and this is their first full length album, including 9 songs of 90s influenced vegan straight edge metallic hardcore. Bands that come in my mind are Snapcase, Strife, Trial and Unbroken, while there's a huge Earth Crisis influence and some Refused parts thrown in the mix, as well.
There are a lot of melodic moments in AAMF's music, even though sometimes melancholy comes in the surface... They dare to use samples from movies, too. Moreover, there's an instrumental song kinda of a prelude, reminding me of what Trial did in their 'Are these our lives' opus.
All in all, this is a great record and I'm really happy that the hardcore scene blossoms in countries far away from the western civilization.