The show tonight was definitely awesome.
It was the best Eternal Hated show I've ever seen. I follow these guys since their inception, so you can figure out how many shows of them I've seen...
The atmosphere was crazy and the feedback was really huge. Stage-dives & mosh took place during their entire set by the 60-70 dedicated gals & guys that showed up tonight.
There are no words to describe this...
We had an awesome soy meat with potatoes meal at Andrian's house and we hang out there with Julia and some friendly guys (sorry I cannot remember the names...) for a while.
We went to the club, which was located less than 100m away from the house, at around 19.00. Unloaded the van, set up the merch / distro table, did soundcheck... you know the deal.
After a while, my friend Alec came from Cluj - Napoca (they had a long 6-hour trip by train), along with Stuck In A Rut and some friends of theirs. I was stoked to meet Alec and the rest of the crew again. Hardcore is more than just music as they (we) say and moments like this; when you reunite with friends living thousands of kilometers away from you, are precious. It's worth the countless hours of travelling, never mind the tiredness and the hundreds of bucks you may lose...
The show started at around 20.45 and The Dignity Complex played first; metal core in the vein of Parkway Drive and the likes. Absolutely not my cup of tea. I Stare Into The Forest were next; a very cool local band playing modern metallic hardcore. Still not my cup of tea, but I can easily listen to their - amazingly packaged - record. Stuck In A Rut hit the stage after a mini break. I know Stuck In A Rut since a couple of years and it was great to watch Vlad & Mishu ripping it on stage. For those that don't know the band, SIR is a fast hardcore / punk trio (no bassist included) who is going wild during their live shows. If you are into power violence or old school noisy hardcore, check them out.
I've already written about EH's show. No more comments.
The highlight was John (kinda pissed) singing 'I Follow You' (that mainstream song) with almost all the audience singing along...!
Good times for sure.
The show ended early and by midnight we were already outside the venue, loading the van and saluting everyone.
We went to a fast food restaurant afterwards with Andrea (a member of I Stare Into The Forest); we had some ok food and tons of fun.
Fast forward:
I'm now laying on a bed in Bogdan's (I Stare Into The Forest's guitarist) attic, while every one is sleeping and John is snorting hard.
Tomorrow we have a long long trip (9 hours or so), so we have to wake up at 7.30. That means in less than 5 hours....
I'm kinda tired (even though John took the drive duties again this morning) but I feel blessed for having the privilege to be on tour while the majority of my friends in Greece are unemployed or work shitty jobs for a living.
I'm also blessed that hardcore / punk brought me 1300 km away from home tonight, in a basement show with 60-70 people sharing the same passion & ideals as me. After all, home is where your friends are.
I'm reading the news in indymedia and I just learned that a protester of this evening's demo was seriously injured and has to get a surgery urgently... Damn. I wish him well. Police brutality will never end as long as any kind of authority exists.
Sorry for getting personal / emotional, but reading news like this undoubtedly makes me upset...
Goodnight and take good care of each other.
Van essentials: catharsis, panx romana, bad movies, xasma, terror, my turn, no turning back, iced coffee, elizabeth bathory stories, spray paint the walls book.