Dead ends CD
First of all, I have to admit that No Way Out is one of the most common band names out there... There was (is?) a greek punk rock band with the same name, there was a heavy hardcore band in Sofia and I think there's one more European band entitled No Way Out, just to name a few.
Nevertheless, No Way Out come from Melbourne, Australia, and 'Dead ends' is their new (2nd) full length album that was just released by the well-known label Pee Records. Every time I get an envelope from Pete / Pee, I know that there's quality stuff inside. So, even though, I'm not a big fan of the music style that No Way Out play, I can assure you that they are a great band.
Having shared the stage with the likes of 50 Lions, Carpathian, The Warriors and The Red Shore and playing countless of local shows since their formation 5 years ago, No Way Out have managed to create a unique sound and strong fan base in Australia.
Drawing influences by bands like Bury Your Dead, Day Of Contempt and Misery Signals, the Aussies deliver solid and well - played moshy metallic hardcore with a dark yet melancholic atmosphere floating in the air.
To be honest, the first time I listened to 'Dead ends', I got a bit bored since the songs last a bit long, but the 2nd time was way better and the 3rd time was awesome.
This record needs your 100% attention. If you are into modern heavy / brutal hardcore, give this a try!
When will we light the match? What flag will be burning next?
Who will be singing when the son turns on his head?
What can we expect from dead ends?