31.12.2012 // 18.30

So the tour is over.
Last night's show was great, with all bands giving it all.
Despite the fact that we arrived in Athens around 20.00, almost tired to death, after almost 11 hours of driving, ALECTO proved once again that they are one of the best local bands nowadays. Don't miss their 'Minyma' 7"; World's Appreciated Kitsch proudly released this.
It was nice to meet my sweetheart Voodoo and a lot of other friends!
We found my car's window broken after the show and that was not good at all, considering the fact that we drove from Athens to Volos just right after, into heavy rain and windy weather... Bad luck, shit happens.
Happy new year to everyone.
Keep the faith.


30.12.2012 // 02.40

Woke up in Timisoara around 11.00, still tired, still sleepy.
We saluted everyone and visited that mall once again in order to have lunch. We were supposed to meet with the Intakt guys and go together in Belgrade, but we couldn't find each other, so we headed to the highway and arrived in Belgrade after 3-4 hours. The Romanian - Serbian borders were the easiest to pass during this tour. 
It was already 17.30 when we arrived in Belgrade's downtown (after messing with the big city's traffic for almost an hour) and parked the van outside the parliament (!). We called Rasha, the local promoter, who came after a while and picked us up. We had tea at a nearby place and then we went for some fast food. We even visited 2 record stores, one was closed and the other was kinda expensive. The weather was definitely bad; cold and rainy, so the best haven we could find was the venue (called Panic Room something). We were glad to meet the Intakt guys once again, they seem to be very dedicated and that is what matters at the end of the day. The show started around 21.30, Intakt played first, and I really enjoyed their set this time, even though I was completely tired. ALECTO hit the stage right after and they delivered a nice show in front of -let's say- 40 crusty metal punks. I had to mention that most of the people inside the club was kinda old (like me maybe...!); no youngsters at all, weird.
So, after the end of the show, we drove straight to Tanja's house in order to have some rest. After getting lost a couple of times, we finally reached the house, had some funny incidents with Tila the dog, and crashed for the night.

Woke up kinda early (I think 9.30), but left the house around 11.
After a couple of stops at gas stations we passed the borders kinda easy again and arrived in Sofia around 18.00.
The trip was long but it was OK; nice conversations and good music helped a lot!
So, after getting lost for half an hour, we found Grindhouse Skatehouse, Sofia's best venue... The stage is on a mini skate ramp and this is definitely amazing. It was great to meet Niki and our friends from Expectations plus a lot more guys & girls from the Sofia hardcore / punk scene that we are affiliated with. We had some great vegan sandwiches and pizzas plus a raw vegan cake that Mitko (Tigersuit fanzine) has kindly prepared for us (check the photo below)! The show started around 20.00, Expectations played first and I have to say that they are a fucking amazing band, you should check them out. Throat Fisting, a modern metal band, were next and then we had ALECTO. The place was almost packed when Alecto started playing their first song, 'Slow life decay', and every one kept moving till the last song, 'The furies'. There was a bunch of  7"s sold after the end of the show and that's a good sign that a lot of people enjoyed the show!
Start Today were next, their first show (something like an one-time reunion) after 2 years, and the kids went crazy. Stage dives, circle-pits and constant sing-alongs. Start Today (feat. Jordan from Expectations and our friend Danail from Youngblood Booking - Plovdiv) covered 7 Seconds' 'Young till I die', as well, and that was intense!
The lights went off, we loaded the van and headed to the best place in Sofia; Ugo pizza, ha! Had tons of food and laughed till there was no tomorrow. Right now we are at Niki's place, ready to take a shower and sleep. The alarm is set to 9 since the trip to Athens is almost 9 hours long. Can't wait for the Slavebreed's release show. It is the best way to end this fucking year. Represent!

Van essentials: Darkthrone, No Turning Back, The Ramones, Ceremony, Hatebreed, Iron Age.


28.12.2012 // 12.15
Woke up on Wednesday morning around 10.30, had some delicious breakfast and left Positive Youth's headquarters in order to start our trip to Novi Sad. The engine of the van couldn't start for about half an hour and we got a little bit worried about this situation but after a while everything's was fine. So, we arrived in Novi Sad around 17.30 and met with our buddy Boyan outside of his house. There was warm vegan food inside and a bunch of sofas for us to rest and even fall asleep for seconds, tired as we were. Next stop; Black Bull, a small basement pub downtown. We went into the usual procedure (unload the van - find a safe place for the van to park - set up the back line - set up the distro - have some drinks - wait for the show to start) until 21.30 that Helltard from Belgrade started to play their powerviolence / fast hardcore / grind core 18-song setlist. They were good enough and you should keep an eye on them if you are into that kind of stuff. 
There was a funny incident during their set, though... A totally drunk police inspector approached Thanos and busted his balls for some minutes, asking about ancient Greece, and even offered to him to finish violently Helltard's set in order to watch Thanos playing with Alecto... There was a misunderstanding for a while and even cops arrived just before Alecto hit the stage, but nothing serious at all.
So, Alecto played a decent set full of intensity. I really love the energy this band unleashes. 
After the second usual procedure (bring the van - load the stuff - drive to the place we are gonna sleep), we entered Black Sheep Collective's headquarters, that amazing hardcore 'office' located in the centre of Novi Sad town. But we weren't there alone. More than 20 people arrived and the place turned into a punk bar / party till 3.30 in the morning. One thing was in my mind the whole time, though... Sleep! And yeah we got what we deserved after a while.

Boyan woke me up around 9 and told me that we have to park the van in another place... So we did. Then we had some breakfast, talked a bit with Boyan, visited a music store to buy some stuff that Thanos needed for the drums and we left Novi Sad around noon. The road to Romania was more than bad so the 150km were equal to 3 hours driving. Fortunately we had no problems at the Serbian - Romanian borders. You know the deal, they force you to open the van, they ask what's inside, you say 'we are musicians', they ask you if you carry drugs and weapons (!), you answer no and you leave.
So, we entered Timisoara around 16.00 and went straight to a house where our friend Alec and the rest of the Cluj - Napoca crew were staying (and cooking for us). We stayed there for half an hour and then headed for a walk. It was freezing cold so we stopped at the first ...mall we found and did some shop-seeing before having a warm coffee. Then we returned to the aforementioned house, had some dinner and drove to Atelier DIY, the place were the show was about to take place. Atelier DIY is located in an industrial spot outside of city's center and it's definitely one of the most underground places I have ever been to. Tavi from Pavilionul 32 (and also local hero) was waiting for us and right after we were the ones waiting for the show to start, while people starting coming in. Clitgore played first, a gore grind duo with drum machine... Then Vera Renczi from Cluj, feat. ex- Stuck In A Rut members, delivered their powerviolence / fast hardcore set (they covered Charles Bronson, as well) and left the stage to Intakt from Belgrade. Intakt is a crust metal / punk trio and were definitely the best band of the show (excluding Alecto, of course!). Alecto got on stage around 00.30, a time when almost everyone in the room was absolutely drunk. I was expecting a boring show, but on the contrary, the people seemed to enjoy Alecto's set and the stage-dives had no ending. 
Pavilionul 32 played last, a type of punk / hardcore that is not my cup of tea, but they were just OK.
We left the place around 2.30 and drove downtown in the house that we crashed. 
The rest is history that you will probably read soon.

Van essentials: Suicidal Tendencies, Last Witness, Valient Thorr, Deez Nuts, Doomriders, Vision.


26.12.2012 // 01.30
Well, today was really hectic...
Woke up around 10.30 after having a good 8-hour sleep at the cosy and warm house of Dimitar and his brother. Had a coffee and then Vasko came to visit us. Talked for a couple of hours about everything varying from the hardcore scene to the Balkan history. I have to say that Vasko is one of the smartest yet most outspoken guy I have ever met. He can talk for hours and hours, and he never talks bullshit, he knows so many details of the history of our area. We left the house around 13.00, visited a local record store for a while and then started the trip after saluting our buddies.
We've been through the borders a lot of times but we had that positive feeling that everything would be OK that time... But on the contrary, we had to deal with corrupted border police once again in Macedonia... After they held us waiting a bit, they asked us to pay (secretly) 20 euros, got 2 of our vinyls and even tried to get us saying that Larisa and Volos are a part of Macedonia... Do the math.
Then we have to face the Serbian border police... They held us in there for almost 1 hour and a half, searching for everything (literally everything) in the van, after having body searched us one by one in an investigation room...
Completely pissed off we continued our trip to Kraljevo, where we arrived around 20.00.
Kraljevo is a nice yet quite city with a population of 100,000 citizens. Vojkan and his cousin (they also play in a well-known underground hardcore band called The Truth - used to be called as The Truth Of XXX) have established the Pozitivna Omladina (translated into Positive Youth) collective and they organize shows regularly trying to spread the positive hardcore / punk message to young people in Kraljevo. The show took place in a tiny room in the attic of a rock bar called Rock Club Bounty. The room was packed with a lot of youngsters and some not that youngsters. A local metal / punk band called Punished played first and the crowd went nuts immediately, since Punished is the one and only heavy band in Kraljevo, existing since 1992. They even played an encore consisting of Youth Of Today's 'Honesty' and Napalm Death's 'Scum'. Hooray!
We wanna thank their drummer Vojin, for his help concerning the drum equipment.
ALECTO took the stage around 22.30 and delivered an intense half an hour show playing the 4 songs from their 'Minyma' 7", a bunch of songs out of their previous CD plus a new untitled one. The kids were into their music and rewarded Alecto with mosh pit and stage divings.
We loaded the van afterwards and headed to the office of the collective, ate tons of chili con minced soy and mashed potatoes, and we are now ready to sleep for ever!
Tomorrow we'll have a 3-4 hour drive to Novi Sad; can't wait to meet crazy Boyan and his crew.

Van essentials: Raw Nerve, Last Hope, Χατ Τρικ, Bastions, Senses Fail.


25.12.2012 // 01.00
It's already Christmas time so we wish you the best and may the spirit / force be with you.
So, we just came back from a short walk in Skopje's city center. The landscape is amazing with a river splitting the city in two parts. Moreover, there are way too many yet huge statues all over the place...
It's too late for a city that is not called Athens, so almost everything is closed and our dinner got restricted to a shitty multinational fast food chain. Nick's mother gave us lots of food so we had an extra choice, at least.
Let's rewind a bit...
I woke up around 11.30, left my precious behind and headed to Billy's place to get the van. Helped a bit Billy and Jack to load the back line and stuff, and started the trip around 13.00. Then I picked up ALECTO guys from Velestino (near Volos) and headed towards Skopje. We passed the borders kinda easy this time and arrived in Skopje at 22.00. Dimitar's (Hardfaced) bro show us the way to their house and then we went for that short walk.
First show tomorrow is in Kraljevo, a 4-5 hour drive from Skopje. 
We will leave around noon after having breakfast with our buddies Dime & local hero Vasko (Bernay's Propaganda, XAXAXA, ex-FPO).
'Night and peace.

Van essentials: NOFX, Oldschool Rednex, Στίχοιμα, Ομίχλη.


The ALECTO Balkan tour starts tomorrow.
We hit the road in the morning.
First stop; Skopje, no show, just rest.
Check out this blog for daily updates.


=Huge PPHFSIX contest=
WIN a free ticket, a NTB record* and a MT CD, packaged in
a nice World's Appreciated Kitsch tote bag.
The question is:
What are the exact dates of the previous NTB shows in Greece?
To help you out a bit, NTB played 2 more shows in Greece from 2008 till now.
Send us your answers till Sunday 16th December, 23.00
at this email: hxf_prodaxionz@yahoo.com
and use 'PPHFSIX contest' as the subject
*we offer a NTB vinyl of our choice

FB event: http://www.facebook.com/events/396848473709879/?fref=ts
FB page: http://www.facebook.com/PositivelyPositiveHardcoreFest?fref=ts
Tumblr: http://positivelypositivehardcorefest.tumblr.com/


they always say that home is where the heart is
but my heart beats for these 30 minutes of life

ALECTO 'Minyma' Balkan tour | Winter 2012
25.12 Kraljevo (RS) - Rock Club Bounty
26.12 Novi Sad (RS) - Community Centre DC
27.12 Timisoara (RO) - Atelier DIY
28.12 Belgrade (RS) - Panic Room Zica
29.12 Sofia (BG) - Grindhouse Skatehouse
30.12 Athens (GR) - AN Club

world's appreciated kitsch collective is taking care of the booking
voodoo arts took care of the poster